Ah, just before midnight ... a long, full day it's been. Today, I'm extremely grateful for (in no particular order) ...
1. Connecting with my dear friend, seeing her work spaces, and enjoying the spectacular stained glass at Olympia Brown church in Racine ... I should have had my camera!
2. Finally finishing several tasks, from shopping for particular items to wrapping gifts for tomorrow night, to clearing (once again) the guest room for my favorite overnighters. :-)
3. Knowing that tomorrow I get to see another dear friend for the first time in a long long time ... not sure where or when, but all will fall into place.
4. Adventures in cooking that turn out well, and a life partner willing to venture out of the ordinary with me. This is what we had for dinner tonight ... try it! You'll be surprised at how the flavors blend! http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/print/index.php?r=1329
5. The sump pumps continue to switch on, dump water outside, and turn off again ... all on a very slow cycle, which means things are working ... and there is still no flooding in our basement, which means I can relax and be grateful.
Contented sigh ....
Out of The Snarl and Into The Joy
The tender new-green freshness of spring continues here in Northern
Colorado because we’ve had so much rain. I don’t want to go inside, it’s so
9 months ago