I'm grateful for ...

Monday, January 19, 2009


The sun is streaming into my living room window, and I don't need to go to work, so I can enjoy it for a little while! I don't know why sunshine makes me feel so much better ... scientific evidence says the sun's angle at this time of year is too low to be useful for my body to create vitamin D out of cholesterol. Yet, both physically and emotionally, I find it uplifting. Magic.

I don't know if the sun is too weak, coming in the window at a winter angle, to help the house plants, but I've arranged them so they can catch a few rays this morning, too. I can practically SEE them trying to photosynthesize.....

I get to spend the day with my friend, Rosemary!

I'll save the remaining 2 spots for today's gratitude for the end of the day.


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