I'm grateful that my visual mindfulness journal, currently focused almost exclusively on food choice -- but soon to be expanded to other areas of my existence -- is doing good things for me. I'm remembering my vitamins and other supplements more often, I'm able to see at a glance where I need to adjust my food choices, and I'm also able to give myself some much-needed pats on the back! Mindfulness rocks! Now I have to get moving, too. All things in good time.
I'm grateful for the job that made today fly by, and keeps my docket full of important work.
I'm grateful for the wonderful man I married, who fills my life with love and caring and comfort and companionship and ... so much more.
I'm grateful for two daughters who are healthy and stretching themselves to reach their goals -- each on her own path, each outstandingly wonderful in her own ways.
It really seems ungrateful to narrow my focus on a few of the wonderful people and things in my life ... I'm grateful for so much!
Out of The Snarl and Into The Joy
The tender new-green freshness of spring continues here in Northern
Colorado because we’ve had so much rain. I don’t want to go inside, it’s so
9 months ago
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