It's cold enough outside again (we lost 20 degrees or so in the last few days) that I am reminded how fortunate I am to live in an age of central heating, synthetic fleece, and means of transportation that are warm, quick, and comfortable.
Tomorrow I get to work from home, and the best part of that is not having to share restroom facilities with 10,000 college students. Well, that, and the fact that I get to dress in fleece from top to toe, and be cozy in my own home. And get paid for it. Yes. Life is good.
Yesterday, the Chancellor's message was encouraging: not likely to lose our jobs, expect to pay more for retirement and health insurance, and we won't get any raises for the 2009-2011 biennium. But, with any luck, we'll still be employed and that's definitely more than many others can expect.
I'm very happy, together with John. :-)
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