I'm grateful for ...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Working the Kinks Out

Last week Tuesday, I couldn't turn my head to check for traffic over my left shoulder, and I had to turn my entire body at my desk to talk to my colleague beside me. Now, I am pain free, and my shoulders are back down where they belong, instead of up around my ears.

I'm grateful for the patient, caring nature and strong, skilled hands of my massage therapist, Dawn, who has successfully pressed and prodded and stretched the kinks out of my neck and back. It hurts so good when she melts those knots away!

For two days, my house has been too quiet, too empty, as my darling husband has been out of town for a conference. Tonight, I'll sleep more soundly because he will sleep beside me. I'm grateful for his safe return.

I was not alone those two days John was gone, however. All my kitties were here, but Mack has been sleeping in our room so he can get to his bowl of Kitty Chow without Lucky or Reggie emptying it before Mack decides he's hungry. Last night, Mack was particularly sweet. I woke up several times to the awareness that he was curled up next to my pillow -- often, with his head resting on my forehead. He wasn't purring to be fed ... it was as if he just wanted to be next to me. Awwww....

Finally, I'm grateful for the opportunity to have fun writing with my friend, Sue. She has always delighted me with her wit and humor ... there is no one who tells a story the way she does. And now, we're blogging together. For a few chuckles from two crones, you'll find us at Belfry Cronicles (http://belfrycronicles.blogspot.com/), and for pet stories we'll be at Paws 4 Reflection (http://shrnmc.blogspot.com). Drop by anytime. Everyone's welcome!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Perfect Weather - Rainy Monday

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday were blissfully sunny and warm -- perfect for outdoor activities, as well as throwing open all the windows to circulate fresh air throughout the winter-stale house and invite kitties to windowsills for a bit of air and sun.

This morning, it was raining. How perfect can Monday weather be? Nothing to tempt me to play "hooky" and take an unscheduled vacation day, just to be IN the sunshine, birdsong, and sweet smell of newly-cut grass!

Here's to perfect weekends and rainy Mondays,

hyacinths that survived April snow,

daffodils and narcissus that bloom brilliantly on their bowed stems despite the April snow,

the luxury of a weekend-long "sleep over" -- time and space for old friends to catch up after 10 years,

kitties that are puddles of contented fur (even if one of them still has a plastic feeding tube attached),

and the peaceful quiet of a house that is home, complete with dust bunnies.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Grateful for Friends Who Name Dust Bunnies

My friend Sue is coming for the weekend. I haven't cleaned my house. I could have canceled, postponed, begged to change our plans. Or rushed home early to fix the mess before she sees it.

Instead, I wrote to apologize, ahead of time. I told her she gets to see my house the way we actually live in it, and my husband is probably mortified. She says she will feel better, knowing she's not the only one whose housekeeping is not the best, and that we can just name the dust bunnies and call them part of the family.

I wish I'd cleaned the house. But I'm grateful that I didn't need to, to feel okay about this visit.

Maybe I'm getting older and wiser. Maybe just lazy. Maybe I'm finally accepting that who I am is enough.

I'm grateful for "enough."


And sunshine. More sunshine. Always grateful for sunshine.

Sunshine and well kitties.

Sunshine, well kitties, good friends who name dust bunnies, being "enough," and having "enough."

That'll do for now.


Monday, April 16, 2007

For Productive Work and Collegial Work Environment

1. I'm grateful to have meaningful work that I feel good doing, and work colleagues that are pleasant and caring.

2. Sunshine again. Sorry to be repetitive, but sunshine makes a BIG difference in my life. I don't think I could survive someplace like Seattle, for long!

3. People in my life that challenge me to be all I can, do what sings to my soul.

4. Meaning in my life.

5. Friends to share it with.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


1. I'm grateful for another sunny day, and the time and space to enjoy it just the way I like -- quietly, in my own home, with kitties. And loudly, on a playground, with a 3-year-old who calls me Grandma.

2. I'm grateful for a few minutes when Amy is taking the 3-year-old back to the playground, so I have a moment to be online, and John has a few moments to nap. 3-year-olds and playgrounds can be tiring for Grampas, too.

3. Peace. The world may be at war, by my little corner is filled with sunshine and love today, and I am immensely grateful for the grace that allows this miracle.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Sunny Day

1. The 3.5" of snow that fell earlier in the week is almost totally gone, and the grass is so green!

2. The overly-blue fountain at UWM was already running today. The water is the color of a swimming pool, but it sounded so cheerful and was beautiful in the sun.

3. John and I went to lunch at Sala de Pranzo ... good minestrone, good pasta, good company.

4. I'm so relieved that Mack is better, and eating, and drinking ... I can't stop smiling.

5. Productive days at work!

6. Lots of good things in abundance in my life! Food, cuddly kitties, loving friends and family, wonderful spouse, comfort, and gratitude.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Kitten Chow!

Thus far, today, I'm grateful for:

1. Purina Kitten Chow -- which is what my sick cat, Mack, chose as his first ORAL intake in a L-O-N-G time ... about a month.

2. Friends, family, and colleagues who have been wonderfully supportive during Mack's illness. It's been a roller coaster ride of emotions and physical challenges ... not as huge as being the caretaker of small children or sick elders, but a challenge nonetheless. Sharing the ups and downs with caring others has certainly lightened the load.

3. Perspective -- which allows me to understand and appreciate that, in the grand scheme of things, a sick cat ... even a dying cat ... is only earth-shattering for a few of us.

4. Self awareness -- which allows me to understand and appreciate that I work best when I'm focused almost obsessively on an attainable goal, like giving my cat enough nutrition to survive until he will again eat enough on his own to survive and thrive. It's not as overwhelming as "save my cat's life," and not as discouraging as "save the world."

5. The jukebox in my head. Today's song is "Feelin' Groovy."